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Knowledge Mobilization Toolkit

Ontario Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health

This is a toolkit that is intended to facilitate brainstorming, planning, and implementation of strategies for knowledge mobilization, or information sharing. This toolkit contains clear steps and resources to assist in planning what information to share, how to share it, and ways to evaluate the impact. Though this toolkit it aimed toward child and youth mental health, the toolkit can easily be used to assist a wellness champion in sharing information to promote their new idea in their school community.

Health Promotion

Public Health Agency of Canada

This webpage lists a number of topics with links to related resources that include general information, tools and strategies, and current news and updates. Included topics and resources, such as healthy living, mental health, and physical activity, could be used by wellness champions to support the planning and implementation of a new idea.

Health Equity Impact Assessment

Government of Ontario

This is a tool that can assist wellness champions to make decisions and consider the health impact of their new idea. This can help reduce the likelihood of creating disparities between the populations who will be impacted by their new idea. This tool has a workbook and a template to help wellness champions through five steps: scoping, potential impacts, mitigation, monitoring, and dissemination.