

Towards Evidence Informed Practice – Learning Module Two – Making Evidence Work for You

Ontario Public Health Association

This is an excellent tool for using evidence to help promote your idea. It discusses what evidence is, where to find it and how it can be generated and applied to increase the effectiveness of health promotion programs in different settings, including a school community. There is also a PDF that offers a condensed version of the module without external links but does not require additional software. The PDF is available here.

The Wellness Impact: Enhancing Academic Success through Healthy School Environments

GENYOUth Foundation, National Dairy Council, the American College of Sports Medicine, the American School Health Association

This report outlines the pivotal role that schools can play in improving students’ physical activity and nutrition.  The report outlines and provides evidence about how creating supportive environments is critical for student success. 

The Sandbox: Your Space for Healthy School Workplaces

Alberta School Employee Benefit Plan

This website provides up-to-date resources, information and a blog about supporting employee wellness in a school community.  The website provides a way for wellness champions from all over the province to collaborate to bring new ideas forward in school communities.  While many of the resources provided on the website are focused on employee wellness they can easily be adopted to help move any new idea forward in a school community.